Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism develops new food tourism brand ‘Taste your Korea’

Source: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

As part of the strategy to attract tourists visiting Korea together with the Korea Tourism Organization, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Yoo In-chon) developed a new brand, ‘Taste your Korea’, with the aim of revitalizing food tourism, and created ‘National Food Tourism Content 33’. ‘Seon’ was selected.

The food tourism business has so far been promoted with a focus on promotion and commercialization using individual foods. However, now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization are planning to discover food tourism content containing stories and foster it as a tourism product based on a new brand of the food tourism business.

Discovering national food tourism content with stories, selecting 15 representative regional foods, 15 seasonal ingredients, and 3 types of traditional liquor

’33 National Food Tourism Contents’ were selected through a food tourism advisory group comprised of experts in the restaurant and tourism industry, academia, and public relations and marketing. This project created differentiated topics by dividing Korean food content representing each region into three topics: ▴Regional representative food, ▴Regional seasonal ingredients, and ▴Regional representative traditional liquor.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization have launched a new brand for Korean food tourism and ‘National Food Tourism Content 33’ in order to increase awareness and preference for food tourism in Korea as a destination, attract foreign gastronomic tourists, and contribute to revitalizing local tourism and the economy. We plan to use ‘seon’ in all directions.

Kim Geun-ho, Director of Tourism Industry Policy at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said, “Through the new food tourism brand ‘Taste Your Korea’ and ‘33 National Food Tourism Contents’, we will actively discover and utilize food tourism content that contains not only the taste and beauty of Korean food but also various stories. “He said. He also added, “We will strive to ensure that more foreigners can experience a trip to Korea that they can enjoy with their mouths, ears, and eyes.”

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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