‘NewJeans’ appointed as honorary ambassador for Korean tourism in 2024

Source: Yonhap News

On July 11, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo In-chon appointed K-pop group NewJeans as honorary ambassadors for Korean tourism in 2024. At this appointment ceremony, a certificate of appointment as a public relations ambassador was awarded, a Korean tourism advertisement in which NewJeans participated, and a stage interview with the public relations ambassadors were held.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Corporation) have previously appointed Korean Wave stars of the time, such as Lee Jung-jae (2023) and BTS (2022), as ‘Korean Tourism Honorary Ambassadors’ and produced advertisements to promote Korea to the world.

Korea’s tourism advertising in 2024 is targeting the world’s 2030 generation as its main target. Among foreign tourists who visited Korea in 2023, 35.6% were under the age of 30, and 84% enjoyed individual travel. Additionally, according to the survey, interest in traveling to Korea increased most often after exposure to Korean Wave content (32.1%). Accordingly, ‘NewJeans’ plans to conduct a Korean tourism campaign targeting the youth generation.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Corporation plan to produce not only advertisements featuring Korean Wave stars that will be aired overseas, but also special advertisements that will generate word of mouth, such as ‘The Tiger is Coming Down’, and videos by popular content creators that introduce their experiences visiting Korea by topic.

The Korean tourism advertisement in which ‘NewJeans’ participated was first released online and on the Korean tourism YouTube channel (Imagine your Korea) on July 11, and has since been shown in 12 cities around the world, including New York’s Times Square, Tokyo, Shanghai, Bangkok, Dubai, and Mexico City. It will also be broadcast from electronic billboards in 10 cities. During the Paris Olympics, we plan to screen short video content on digital screens in downtown Paris.

Minister Yoo In-chon said, “We expect that the advertisement featuring ‘NewJeans,’ which opens a new era of K-pop, will effectively introduce Korean tourism to young people around the world and stimulate their desire to experience the true charm of Korea. “The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will continue to make various efforts to promote tourism demand to Korea by leveraging the global popularity of K-Culture,” he said.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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