Overseas certification support project in one place in 2024

(Source: KBS News)

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s National Agency for Technology and Standards (Director Jin Jong-wook, hereinafter referred to as the National Agency for Technology and Standards) held the ”24 1st Overseas Certification Support Agency Council*’ and ‘ Overseas Certification Support Project Comprehensive Briefing’ on Thursday, January 25.

* 13 organizations participating, including export support organizations (KOTRA, SMBA, etc.) and testing and certification organizations (KTL, KTR, etc.)

Last year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology established a comprehensive support system for overseas certification and carried out on-site support activities such as on-site briefing sessions and expert company visits, while significantly expanding mutual recognition with overseas testing and certification institutions (45 cases), averaging 30% compared to overseas testing. % announced that overseas certification cost savings of up to 70% are expected depending on items such as electric vehicle chargers.

Through this council, participating organizations will focus on this year’s key tasks: ▲Overseas certification fast track and test cost reduction (up to 20%, ~June) ▲Support for conversion of domestically certified companies into export companies ▲Cooperation to share success stories among export companies It was decided to strengthen cooperation in network construction, etc.

At the ‘Overseas Certification Support Project Information Session’ that followed, the government’s overseas certification-related support projects for 24 years, including the ‘Export Support Base Utilization Project’, were introduced, and 1:1 customized consultations with experts were also provided for participating companies. About 150 people from 100 companies attended the event, showing great interest from the companies.

Director Jin Jong-wook of the National Bureau of Investigation said, “Based on the public-private cooperation system established last year, this year we plan to focus on disseminating results, and in the future, we will expand support activities such as regional briefing sessions nationwide to continue export growth by removing obstacles to companies’ overseas certification on the spot.” “I will do my best to make it happen,” he said.

Editor Miso

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