Amore Pacific Braille stickers are distributed free of charge for convenience in using cosmetics

Amore Pacific Braille Sticker
(Photo = Provided by Amore Pacific) *Resale and DB prohibited

Amore Pacific Braille stickers are distributed free of charge and used on products such as cosmetics and household goods to improve convenience.

On the 19th, it was announced that ‘Amore Pacific Braille stickers will be produced and distributed free of charge.’ Amorepacific’s Braille stickers represent 10 major categories of cosmetics and daily necessities, including skin, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner, in Braille. They also include symbols with embossed alphabets and numbers, so that even users who cannot read Braille can use them without any inconvenience. did.

Cosmetics have different label positions and sizes depending on the product, and when the container shape is similar, customers with vision problems have difficulty using it, which is the background of Amorepacific’s braille sticker plan.

This time, AmorePacific’s Braille stickers were created by visually impaired employees and an advisory group working at AmorePacific’s headquarters, and proceeded from planning to sample inspection. The completed Amore Pacific Braille stickers were delivered free of charge to the Korea Welfare Center for the Blind and a special school for the visually impaired, and will also be provided to individuals and organizations in need.

(Editor Junbeom)

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