Start developing recycled fiber technology for eco-friendly transformation of textile industry

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Minister Ahn Deok-geun, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) announced that it will launch the “Polyester Composite Fiber F2F (Fiber To Fiber) Recycling Core Technology Development Project” to develop core technologies for eco-friendly fiber materials so that Korean companies can respond in a timely manner to the eco-friendly transition trend of the global textile and fashion industry.
Global textile demand companies have set a goal of using 100% eco-friendly fibers, such as recycled fibers, starting in 2030, and the European Union (EU) and others are strengthening environmental regulations for the textile industry.
* (Demand companies) 75 companies including Nike and ZARA declared that they will use 100% eco-friendly fibers starting in 2030 (’19)
* (EU) ‘Eco-design regulations’ (’24 effective, expected to be implemented in the textile sector in ’28), etc., including the obligation to display environmentally friendly information on products
Accordingly, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy presented a plan to ‘support the eco-friendly transformation of the textile and fashion industry’ in the ‘Strategy to Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Textile and Fashion Industry’ announced in August of last year. To implement this, a technology development project is being promoted to regenerate polyester composite materials, which currently account for the largest proportion (40-50%) of discarded textiles and clothing, into new textile materials. Starting with 4 billion won in government funds this year, a total of 35.2 billion won (29.9 billion won in government funds and 5.3 billion won in private funds) will be invested by 2029.
An official from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy stated, “By securing the world’s best composite fiber recycling technology, we expect that the foundation for conquering the global textile and fashion market, which is rapidly reorganizing toward a circular economy trend, will be established,” adding, “We will also substantially promote the already initiated ‘Development of Chemical Regeneration Green Fibers’ (‘2022-‘25, government budget of 14.8 billion won) and ‘Development of Biomass Vegan Leather Manufacturing Technology’ (‘2024-‘28, government budget of 28.6 billion won) projects, while supporting the textile industry’s efforts to transition to an eco-friendly environment.”
Specific details of the business announcement can be found on the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy website ( and the Integrated Research Support System for All Ministries ( Companies and institutions wishing to participate in the business should submit applications by Thursday, February 27. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will also hold a business briefing session on Wednesday, February 12 at 2:00 PM in Seoul (Courtyard Marriott Seoul Namdaemun Hotel).
Editor. Hong Se-yeong
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