The obligation to keep business registration certificates for restaurant operators, etc. will disappear.

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The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Minister Oh Yoo-kyung) announced on August 30 that it would be giving a legislative notice of a partial revision to the “Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act,” including the abolition of the obligation to keep business registration certificates.

This revision is part of the ‘Food and Drug Regulatory Innovation 3.0 Project’ announced in May, and was promoted to reflect changes in the food business environment, resolve inconveniences for small business owners and the public through rational system improvements centered on the field, and create an environment where business operators can operate with peace of mind.

The main contents are ❶ abolition of the obligation for food business operators to keep business registration certificates, ❷ expansion of the business scope for food sales vehicles (food trucks), ❸ establishment of a basis for electronic civil complaint applications for reissuance of business registration certificates and other civil complaints, and a 10% reduction in fees for electronic civil complaint applications.

As it has become possible to check whether a business has been registered online (Food Safety Country), the obligation to keep a business registration certificate printed on paper at food service establishments and instant sales manufacturing/processing establishments will be completely abolished after 48 years.

By revising outdated regulations in line with the flow of the IT era, it is expected that the unnecessary burden on 1 million small business owners who were concerned about their personal information being exposed will be reduced.

The electronic civil service application system will be established so that civil service applications that previously required a direct visit to the administrative agency, such as reissuance of food business registration certificates and succession of status, can be conveniently applied for online. In addition, the fee for electronic civil service applications will be reduced by 10%, which will reduce the financial burden on business operators.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety plans to continue to prioritize the safety of the people, rationally reorganize the system in line with the changing social environment, and continue to promote regulatory improvement.

For more detailed information, please visit the Citizens’ Participation Legislation Center ( ) and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety website ( ) → Laws and Data → Legislative/Administrative Notice. Opinions on the amendment can be submitted until October 10, 2024.

Editor. Hong Se-yeong

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