Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, hygiene inspection of mass-cooked food delivery companies… 6 violations detected

Director Yoo-kyung Oh inspects festival sites in Daejeon to prevent food poisoning
Source: Yonhap News

To prevent food poisoning, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Minister Oh Yoo-kyung) conducted hygiene inspections on a total of 245 places, including bulk cooking and meal delivery companies, in cooperation with 17 local governments from July 8 to 26, and approved the Food Sanitation Act. They announced that they had detected six places in violation and requested administrative action from the relevant local governments.

Major violations include ▲failure to conduct self-quality inspection (4 places) ▲non-HACCP certification (1 place) ▲unauthorized destruction of facilities (1 place), and administrative measures such as fines were imposed on businesses caught by the local government. We plan to conduct a re-inspection within 6 months.

A total of 56 items, including cooked food, were collected during inspection and tested for food poisoning bacteria, and it was confirmed that all of them met the standards and specifications.

In addition, along with inspections, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety conducted education and promotion on how to prevent food poisoning in the summer, including tips for preventing food poisoning from bulk-cooked food and precautions when handling eggs.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety plans to continue to carry out preemptive safety management of sanitary vulnerable facilities to prevent food poisoning and food safety accidents and to do its best to create a safe eating environment for the public.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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