The 2024 Paris Olympics Safety Support Team returns home after successfully completing a month-long mission.

Source: Yonhap News

17 police officers from the National Police Agency’s Olympic Safety Support Team returned to Korea through Incheon International Airport on August 13 after successfully completing a 29-day safety support mission for the Paris Olympics from July 14 to August 11.

The French government requested each country to dispatch police officers in preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics, and the Korean government accepted the request and decided to dispatch a total of 28 police officers to Paris. Of these, 14 were dispatched to the Korea-France Safety Support Team, and the remaining 14 were dispatched to the French Ministry of the Interior’s International Cooperation Center (ICC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ rapid response team. The National Police Agency deployed a total of 31 police officers to support the Paris Olympics.

The 17 people who returned home are police officers dispatched to provide safety support for the Summer Olympics. The Korean-French safety support team (14 people) conducted joint patrols with multinational police forces in downtown Paris and major tourist attractions to handle incidents and accidents. They performed a variety of tasks, including guarding the athletes and stadiums and providing geographic information to tourists, and handled a total of 368 cases. Among these, there are six cases involving Korean citizens.

In particular, there was a case where he helped a Korean woman who had been the victim of pickpocketing while on a mission to file a report, and there was a case where he protected two Korean high school students who were separated from their group.

A police officer (one inspector) dispatched from the International Cooperation Center of the French Ministry of the Interior worked with French security authorities and police dispatched from each country to disseminate and share security information on terrorism and cyber attacks both domestically and internationally.

Inspector Hwang Eui-yeol, head of the Korea-France Safety Support Team, said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to work overseas representing the Republic of Korea, and it was an honor to be able to wear a police uniform and perform my duties as a national representative at the festival of the world.”

The International Cooperation Officer of the National Police Agency said, “Thanks to the Paris Olympics Safety Support Team, the safety of the Olympic Games and our people were guaranteed. “In the future, the Korean police will always be there wherever there are citizens,” he said, expressing his determination to protect citizens living abroad.

Meanwhile, the National Police Agency announced that it plans to dispatch 14 members of the ‘2024 Paris Paralympic Safety Support Team’ on August 19 to provide safety support for the Paris Paralympic Games, scheduled from August 28 to September 8.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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