Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency distributes safety rules considering foreign workers.

Source: Korea Ministry of Employment and Labor

The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency recently distributed safety rules in consideration of the increase in foreign workers and the resulting linguistic challenges.

The training materials released this time were translated into 16 languages ​​for human resources to prevent disasters such as welding work fires and suffocation in confined spaces that commonly occur in industrial sites. In addition, educational materials containing safety work methods in the shipbuilding industry were produced and distributed.

The corporation made these materials accessible through the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency website, YouTube, media on-site delivery, and crisis escape safety and health apps. Additionally, they said they plan to translate and distribute safety work instructions for industrial machines such as forklifts and conveyors into 16 languages ​​in the second half of this year. Safety and health posters and pictograms using pictures will also be produced to convey safety rules more intuitively.

In addition, the Corporation operates separate safety and health training courses for foreign workers and supports mandatory training for foreigners at domestic employment training institutions. In addition, we are strengthening safety education in the actual work environment through ‘Visiting Virtual Reality (VR) Experience Education.’

The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency plans to continue to expand the development and support of educational materials for the safety and health of foreign workers.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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