Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Korea Tourism Organization and ‘K-Tourism Roadshow’ held in Paris.

Source: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization received a very positive response through the ‘K-Tourism Roadshow’ recently successfully held in Paris. This event was held on the 22nd and 23rd (local time) at the Westfield Forum des Halles, a major shopping mall in Paris, France, and played a major role in promoting Korea’s charm ahead of the Paris Summer Olympics.

The K-Tourism Roadshow is a large-scale event attended by approximately 41,000 visitors, providing special experiences to participants through various programs such as a Korean travel photo photo zone, K-pop cover dance performance, personal color diagnosis, makeup demonstration, and Korea travel talk show. provided.

In particular, the street food experience and traditional liquor cocktail tasting were very popular, and educational tours and opportunities to experience Korean culture were also available to visitors. Many participants participated in the ‘Why I Want to Travel to Korea Content Creation Contest’, and the winner was awarded a round-trip airline ticket from Paris to Incheon.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization used this event to introduce Korea’s various charms to tourists planning to visit France for the Paris Olympics. In particular, they said they plan to expand Korean tourism advertisements in about 190 locations in Paris and operate a Korean tourism promotion center at the Paris Olympic Korea House to provide visitors with opportunities to directly experience the event.

Park Jong-taek, Director of Tourism Policy at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said, “Tourists visiting Korea from France are a high-value market with longer-than-average stays and higher spending, which shows the potential of Korean tourism. “We will continue to strive to allow more French people to experience Korea through continued local marketing,” he said.

The number of French tourists has increased to a record high of 133,000, and the cumulative number is increasing significantly this year as well.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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