21 schools, including Seoul National University and Korea University, reflect history of school violence when entering high school sophomores on time

A student looking at an exam report card
A student looking at his college entrance exam report card On December 9 last year, in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, a student is looking at his college entrance exam report card. [Yonhap News data photo. Resale and DB prohibited]

21 universities, including Seoul National University and Korea University, reflect measures against school violence (school violence) in the 2025 regular college entrance exam-oriented screening process, which is currently applied to sophomores in high school.

In order to resolve the ‘invasion of literature’, 146 universities including Yonsei University and Sungkyunkwan University will abolish the designation of the required area for the college entrance exam, which has been applied to natural science students.

The Korea Council for University Education (Kyohyeop), a consultative body of four-year universities, published the ‘2025 University Admissions Implementation Plan’ submitted by 196 member universities nationwide and announced it on the 26th.

◇ 16 more schools reflected school violence in the entrance examination centered on the college entrance exam… Compulsory for sports specialization

school violence counseling
School Violence Counseling Yonhap News TV capture. Written by Seonyoung Kim (Media Lab)

21 schools, including Konkuk University, Korea University, Seoul National University, Seoul City University, and Hanyang University, decided to reflect school violence measures in the 2025 college entrance exam-oriented screening process.

According to the Comprehensive Measures to Eradicate School Violence announced by the Ministry of Education on the 12th, it is expected that school violence measures will be mandatory for all college entrance exams from the 2026 school year.

Compared to the 2023 college admissions, 16 schools increased from 5 schools (Methodist University, Seoul National University, Sejong University, Jinju National University of Education, Hongik University).

An official from the KCTU explained, “How many points will be deducted from the school violence measures in detail and how they will be reflected will be detailed in the application guidelines announced by each university at the end of May next year.”

112 schools plan to reflect school violence measures in the comprehensive student department screening (class).

Konkuk University, Kyunghee University, Korea University, Kwangwoon University, Dongguk University, Sogang University, Seoul National University, University of Seoul, Seoul Women’s University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sookmyung Women’s University, Soongsil University, Yonsei University, Chung-Ang University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and Hanyang University were all included.

2025 Current Status of School Violence Measures Reflected
Current status of school violence measures in 2025 [provided by Daekyohyup]

27 schools, including Konkuk University, Korea University, Dongguk University, Seoul City University, and Yonsei University, reflect school violence measures in the student sub-subject screening process.

Nine universities, including Konkuk University, University of Seoul, and Hanyang University, take into account school violence in the evaluation of essay writing and 25 universities, including Konkuk University, Korea University, Seoul National University, and Yonsei University, in the practical/performance screening, excluding sports talent screening.

In the selection of sports specialties, all 88 universities that operate the selection reflect school violence measures.

Previously, when the successive abuse of sports players in 2021 became controversial, the government prepared a plan to eradicate violence in school sports and improve the system for protecting sports human rights, and from the 2025 school year, it was stipulated that school violence measures must be reflected in the selection of sports specialties. there is.

2025 Current Status of School Violence Measures Reflected
Current status of school violence measures in 2025 [provided by Daekyohyup]

◇ You can go to medical school without reading calculus and geometry

According to the purpose of the integrated liberal arts and science curriculum, there are 146 universities that do not impose restrictions on elective courses for the natural sciences, engineering, and medicine departments, an increase of 17 from a year ago.

Among the major universities in Seoul, 9 universities, including Konkuk University, Kyunghee University, Kwangwoon University, Dongguk University, Sungkyunkwan University, Soongsil University, Yonsei University, Chung-Ang University, and Hanyang University, require applicants applying for natural sciences, engineering, and medicine to apply for math calculus, geometry, or science inquiry from the 2025 school year. don’t Including Sogang University, which first abolished the designation of required areas in the 2024 college entrance exam, there will be a total of 10 major universities in Seoul.

As a result, liberal arts students who mainly choose mathematics, probability and statistics, and social studies will be able to enter medical school.

However, 15 universities, including Kyunghee University, Kwangwoon University, Sungkyunkwan University, Soongsil University, and Yonsei University, have a policy to give preferential treatment to applicants applying for natural sciences, engineering, and medicine by giving additional points to those who apply for mathematics, calculus, geometry, and scientific inquiry.

High school math reference books on display in bookstores.  [Yonhap News data photo.  Resale and DB prohibited]
High school math reference books on display in bookstores. [Yonhap News data photo. Resale and DB prohibited]

The total number of recruits at universities in 2025 was 340,934, a decrease of 3,362 from the previous year.

Of the number of recruits, 79.6% (271,481 people) are selected at any time, and 20.4% (69,453 people) are selected on a regular basis.

The number of occasional selections decreased by 551 and the number of regular selections by 2,811 from a year ago.

The admission rate is the highest in the last 5 years.

The number of applicants for universities in the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan areas was 132,126 (38.8%) and 208,808 (61.2%), respectively.

Key details of the 2025 college admissions implementation plan can be found on each high school, city/province office of education, or college entrance information portal website (www.adiga.kr).

[provided by Daekyohyup]
[provided by Daekyohyup]

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