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The ‘Integrity Workshop’ held at local sites will enhance the integrity of local councils.

Ministry of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will hold the first ‘2025 Integrity Workshop’ targeting eight local councils (basic councils) across the country from March to the end of May this year, following last year.
*Songpa in Seoul, Seo-gu in Busan, Gwangmyeong and Anseong in Gyeonggi, Chuncheon in Gangwon, Mokpo in Jeollanam-do, Yeongju in Gyeongbuk, and Geochang in Gyeongnam

The workshop will be attended by local council members and office staff, and the attendance period was selected through a demand survey targeting local councils.
*2024 will be implemented for 25 local councils (4 basic cities, 11 basic counties, 10 basic districts)

The on-site integrity workshop is designed to improve the integrity of local councils.

Thanks to efforts such as the Integrity Workshop last year, the integrity of local councils improved slightly in the National Human Rights Commission’s integrity survey (68.5 points in 2023 → 69.2 points in 2024), but it is still low compared to other organizations, which is why the workshop was held.

□ This workshop aims to raise the sense of responsibility and integrity of local council members and their staff and create a local council that is trusted by residents.

○ First, the workshop will focus on expert lectures centered on cases on laws and systems that local council members should know, such as ▲Code of Conduct for Public Officials, ▲Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, ▲Prohibition of Improper Solicitation Act, and ▲Prohibition of Bullying.

○ In addition, there will be an explanation of the outline of the integrity survey conducted by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, and sharing of policies and collection of opinions related to local assemblies promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.

□ The Ministry of the Interior and Safety plans to conduct an additional demand survey after the first workshop and provide integrity education to more local councils through a second workshop from June to the end of the year.

□ Vice Minister Kim Min-jae said, “In order for local councils to be reborn as representative bodies trusted by residents, the integrity of local council members is of utmost importance,” and added, “We will continue to improve the system and provide support through education, etc. so that local councils can become representative bodies for local residents.”

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