Opening of the first convenience store for the disabled through public-private cooperation

 CU Jeju Hondi Nurimteo branch, the first 
convenience store for the disabled
(provided by Korea Development Institute for the Disabled)

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Gyu-hong), Korea Institute for the Disabled (President Lee Kyung-hye), and BGF Retail Co., Ltd. (CEO Min Seung-bae) opened the first convenience store for the disabled at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, August 23 at Jeju Hondi Nurimteo, Jeju City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. (CU Jeju Hondi Nurimteo Branch) opening ceremony was held.

At the opening ceremony, about 20 officials, including Lee Sran, Director of Social Welfare Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Oh Young-hoon, Governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Lee Kyung-hye, Director of Korea Institute for the Disabled, and Min Seung-bae, CEO of BGF Retail Co., Ltd. attended and delivered messages of support to disabled workers. did it

The recently opened convenience store for the disabled is a specialized business aimed at creating jobs for the severely disabled, and is the second model that is an extension of the disabled cafe ‘I got everything*’. This project was carried out in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Development Institute for Persons with Disabilities, and BGF Retail in March.

*I got everything: A cafe for the disabled that employs baristas with severe disabilities in public and private company buildings, started in 2016

The Ministry of Health and Welfare and related organizations conducted a survey, including document review and commercial district analysis, on business operators who applied to set up convenience stores for the disabled, and decided to set up stores in three regions: Jeju, Busan, and Pyeongchang. In order to facilitate the opening and operation, support was provided such as exemption of initial product purchase costs, convenience store franchise fee exemption, job training for disabled workers, interior design support, and preferential profit distribution.

At the ‘CU Jeju Hondi Nurimteo Branch’ located on the 1st and 2nd floors of Jeju Hondi Nurim Center, two severely disabled workers (intellectual disabilities) work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week from Monday to Friday, and are responsible for receiving, displaying, and consuming products. They will be responsible for checking, maintaining store cleanliness, and serving customers.

Following the first convenience store for the disabled, the second branch, the National Pyeongchang Youth Training Center, is scheduled to open in September, and the third branch, the Busan Global Tech Store, is scheduled to open in October.

The disabled convenience store, along with the disabled cafe ‘I Got Everything’, is expected to provide important opportunities and job experience for disabled people to increase their independence and social participation.

Director of Social Welfare Policy, Isran, said, “The most important means for disabled people to become self-reliant in the community is a job,” and added, “We will support this convenience store to provide opportunities for people with severe disabilities to demonstrate their abilities, and create various jobs through the private and public sectors.” “The government will continue to cooperate,” he said.

Lee Kyeong-hye, director of the Korea Development Institute for the Disabled, said, “I am very happy to have taken the first step in piloting a convenience store for the disabled at Jeju Hondi Nurimteo,” and added, “We will continue to lead interest and cooperation from all walks of life to create stable and sustainable jobs for the disabled.” .

Min Seung-bae, CEO of BGF Retail, said, “We hope that the newly opened CU Jeju Hondi Nurimteo branch will support the independence of the disabled and become a barrier-free workplace respected by society.” He added, “In the future, CU will continue to strive to be a good friend.” “We will continue to engage in various social contribution activities to improve awareness of people with disabilities in line with our corporate identity of ‘Friends.’”

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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