Korea Central Accident Control Headquarters, “We will do our best to resolve the Hwaseong fire accident.”

In order to respond to the fire accident that occurred in Hwaseong, the Central Accident Control Headquarters held an emergency meeting of related agencies. This meeting was attended by relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Environment.

Director Lee Jeong-sik explained, “This meeting was held as part of a pan-government response system headed by the Minister of Employment and Labor in response to a fire accident at a primary battery manufacturer that occurred in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do.”

The meeting emphasized cooperation between relevant ministries regarding the safety of the deceased and ordered that priority be given to quickly solving the accident and supporting the bereaved families. In addition, he requested that measures be taken to support bereaved families and strengthen safety management for foreign workers.

In addition, for future prevention, it was announced that a task force to prevent fire hazards such as batteries will be formed, and plans to strengthen safety management for workers vulnerable to industrial accidents, including foreigners, will be promoted, as well as joint inspections by ministries.

Director Lee Jeong-sik said, “This case is at a time when thorough cooperation between relevant ministries is important. “We will do our best to resolve the accident and prevent recurrence in accordance with the President’s instructions,” he concluded.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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