Korean forest products attract attention in Hong Kong and Greater China

Visitors tasting gondre rice at the 2024 Hong Kong Food Expo
(provided by: Korea Forest Service)

In order to promote the excellence of Korean forest products to the world, the Korea Forest Service (Director Im Sang-seop) participated in the ‘2024 Hong Kong Food Expo (HKTDC Food Expo)’ held at the Hong Kong Convention Center from the 15th to the 17th and signed an export contract worth a total of $1.1 million. announced that it had signed a contract.

The ‘2024 Hong Kong Food Expo (HKTDC Food Expo)’ is the largest food expo hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Bureau, and about 20 countries, including 6 Korean forest product export companies, participated.

During this expo, the Korea Forest Service operated a forest product promotion center, exhibiting chestnuts, astringent persimmons, jujubes, shiitake mushrooms, wild greens, and Schisandra chinensis, and introducing various dishes using Korean forest products, such as dried persimmon cream cheese rolls and perilla oil gondre noodles.

Overseas consumers who visited the promotional center showed great interest in the unique taste and diverse recipes of Korean forest products, and companies from Greater China and Asia, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, and the Philippines, visited the export consultation booth to conduct export consultations.

In particular, Gondre noodles from the domestic company Pyeongchang Farm attracted the attention of overseas consumers due to their excellent taste and the convenience of being able to eat them right away without cooking, and were exported with a total of 1.1 million dollars (equivalent to approximately 1.47 billion won) with three companies. We succeeded in concluding a contract.

Nam Song-hee, International Forestry Cooperation Officer at the Korea Forest Service, said, “It was a good opportunity to publicize the excellence of Korean forest products in the Hong Kong market, which has a high interest in vegan food.” He added, “We developed products that fit the tastes of local consumers and exported them to the Greater China market, including Hong Kong. “We will expand it,” he said.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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