The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs begins the search for this year’s K-Food+ export companies!

K-Food+ Export Tower poster and photo
(provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Minister Song Mi-ryeong, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) announced that the “2nd K-Food+ Export Tower” award will be held in December this year.

“K-Food+ Export Tower (hereinafter referred to as Export Tower)” includes agricultural products, intelligent farms (smart farms), agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, veterinary medicines, pet food (pet food), etc. It is operated to encourage companies that have made efforts to expand exports in various fields.

The Export Tower is awarded to companies that have achieved excellent export performance, and is divided into theme towers that select award winners by major theme. The Export Tower awards the ‘Grand Prize’ and ‘Grand Prize’ to companies with export performance in the billion-dollar and ten-million-dollar range, respectively, to companies whose performance has increased by more than 10% compared to the previous year, and to companies that have achieved export performance in the million-dollar range, it awards the ‘Excellence Award’. .

Theme Top awards the ‘Leap Forward Award’ to companies with a significantly high export performance growth rate, the ‘Market Pioneer Award’ to companies that have achieved outstanding performance in the field of new market development, and the ‘Smart Farm Award’ to companies that have contributed to exports in the smart farm field. . This year, a new ‘Coexistence and Collaboration Award’ will be established for companies that have contributed to the mutual growth between large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Any company that has shown export performance in the agricultural, food and related industries can apply for participation, and applications will be accepted starting in October through the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation’s export company comprehensive support system (

Food Industry Policy Director Yang Joo-pil said, “Agri-food and related industries have high expectations for export expansion due to the popularity of K-Food and cooperation between governments. “We will operate the Export Tower Award to encourage export officials and have symbolic meaning in external negotiations and transactions, and we expect a lot of interest and participation from export companies,” he said.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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