Fire accident at factory in Hwaseong City, improper installation of emergency exits and failure to provide safety training were discovered as a result of special supervision

Source: Yonhap News

The Ministry of Employment and Labor (Minister Lee Jeong-sik) conducted a special occupational safety and health inspection for two weeks from July 3 to 16 in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act on a battery manufacturing plant in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, where a fire occurred on June 24 that killed 23 people. was carried out.

This special supervision focused on checking the status of fire and explosion prevention, emergency situation response system, and safety and health education. As a result of the inspection, the following violations were discovered:

  1. Improper installation of emergency exits
  2. Gas detection and alarm device not installed
  3. Discovery of places at risk of explosion

  4. A total of 65 judicial actions will be taken under the Occupational Safety and Health Act for violations such as failure to provide worker safety and health education and health checkups , and fines will be imposed for matters such as failure to provide safety and health education.

In addition, the Ministry of Employment and Labor plans to use this fire accident as an opportunity to prepare a new safety guide for the battery industry and share and disseminate it to the industry. This guide will be written based on examples from battery companies that are exemplary in implementing fire and explosion prevention measures.

Editor. Seyeong Hong

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